Taxonomical notes on Angraecoid orchids from Africa, with a new genus and new combinations

One of the sections of the genus Angraecoides sensu Szlachetko et al. Conchoglossum, is raised to a the generic rank and according to ICN a new name is proposed, Conchograecum. The new genus embraces continental African species, whereas within formerly described genus Angraecoides s.str only Malagasian species are classified. Twenty five species are classified within the new genus. Distylodon and Triceratorhynchus represent the same genus, thus we propose to include the newly described genus Distylodon into Triceratorhynchus, which now embraces three species presented in this paper.

Auteurs : Dariusz L. Szlachetko, Elżbieta Grochocka, Natalia Olędrzyńska, Joanna Mytnik

Pages : pp 87-96


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Taxonomical notes on Angraecoid orchids from Africa, with a new genus and new combinations
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