Maesa membranacea (Primulaceae): an addition to the flora of India from Manipur State

N. Dhatchanamoorthy, S. Noorunnisa Begum & Kreni Lokho


Maesa membranacea Alphonse de Candolle est signalé ici comme un nouvel ajout à la flore de l’Inde. Une brève description et des illustrations sont fournies pour faciliter l’identification.


Maesa membranacea Alphonse de Candolle is reported here as a new addition to the Flora of India. A brief description, photos and voucher specimens are provided to facilitate identification.

Pages : 224-229

Mots clés : district de Senapati, nord-est de l’Inde, nouvel enregistrement, taxonomie

Keywords: new record, North East India, Senapati district, taxonomy

PDF (568 Ko) : Jardin botanique de Guyane – 71- Maesa membranacea

Maesa membranacea (Primulaceae): an addition to the flora of India from Manipur State