Sesbania sesban var. bicolor (Fabaceae): An addition to the flora of Uttar Pradesh (India)
Acharya Balkrishna, Bhasker Joshi, Ved Priya Arya, Rajesh Kumar Mishra3, Anupam Srivastava, Ramesh Kumar, Amit Kumar
Sesbania sesban var. bicolor a été observé à Kachhla Ghat (district de Budaun), Uttar Pradesh, le long du fleuve Gange. Il est ici signalé comme nouveau dans la flore de cet État.
Sesbania sesban var. bicolor has been observed from Kachhla Ghat (Budaun district), Uttar Pradesh along the Ganga River. It is here reported as new to the flora of this state.
Pages : 01-06
Mots clés : flore, nouvel enregistrement.
Keywords: Flora, new record.
PDF (660 Ko) : Jardin botanique de Guyane – Sesbania sesban var. bicolor in Uttar Pradesh